Tuesday, 16 April 2013

PRE-PRODUCTION: Magazine moodboard

I chose these images for my moodboard as they expressed the type of things I would have in my music magazine. 

I used iconic actors/ actresses in this moodboard because despite not being musicians they reflect who the readers from my target market audience aim to be. Marilyn Monroe looks classic and fit under the "indie" and "vintage" catergory however Johnny Depp and Leonardo Di Caprio are more "rock'n'roll" and "alternative". Thus completing all the sections under the "indie" music genre.

Indie music varies in tempos so I have two album covers of more calm indie music that almost verge on the "folk" genre, I also have "indie-pop" icon Lana Del Rey as she is a phenomenon in this genre.

Also I added some art as music is also influenced by art, I chose the image of mirrored skulls that form a shape of a heart and then the bizarre piece by Joe Webb because the main categories in indie music is bizarre/ innovating to intense/ emotional.  

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