Tuesday, 26 February 2013

PRELIMINARY PRE-PRODUCTION: Questionaire - Preparing for my school/college magazine

In order to start designing my poster I had to ask a range of people what they would like to see in the magazine. I didn't give them a questionnaire because their answer to this question was simple and shows their personality. I asked 3 boys ranging from 16-17 and 3 girls from 16-18. Some people said the same topic, so I'll arrange the topics that were asked for the most:

  1. Fashion/ Uniform (how to be unique with-out pushing the boundaries)
  2. Statistics/ success rates
  3. Music
  4. Competitions and social topics
  5. Art (made specifically by the students
  6. Extra-curricular clubs
Seeing as fashion/ uniform was the main topic this shows how my overall magazine should look like. As a result I have decided to go for strong colours that conflict and stand out and also look 'fashionable'

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